Arrowe Park Hospital

Placement Detail

  • Job ID 710

Placement Short Description

Arrowe Park Hospital is a flagship hospital located in the heart of the Wirral peninsula. Based here, as well as the full range of acute health services for adults and children, there is an Accident & Emergency (A&E) unit, a Maternity Unit and a Walk-In Centre. The hospital has around 900 beds. A modern annexe houses the Fracture & Orthopaedic Clinic, which has its own dedicated X-ray suite with capacity to treat up to 30,000 patients a year. The two upper floors contain a state of the art staff education centre. Arrowe Park is also home to the Children and Young Persons’ Unplanned Care Unit. Youngsters attending the Accident & Emergency Department will be treated here. The facility also includes an assessment unit for GP referrals. Here young patients will see a specialist doctor or be observed before a decision is made on whether they should be admitted to the Children’s Ward.

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